Yesterday The year 8's went to Pakuranga sailing club for our end of year Graduation dinner and dance. All the students arrived early and they all looked Beautiful and handsome. Thew teachers also looked very stunning. The student had fun talking to their friends and spending time before the end of the year. We had a very nice serve of food and desert we also received our graduation certificates. At the end of the day we all had fun dancing and talking to our friends and dancing with them
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Labyrinth Activity
This week LS2 watched a movie called labyrinth. It was a movie staring one of the best actors who recently past David Bowie. During the movie we had to stop every minute to see if there were any suspicious things that might give us hints of what might happen in the fantasy world. We got of hints of what might happen in the fantasy world like there was a statue of a goblin which in the fantasy world is hoggle.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Rockets at Tamaki
Today The Years 7 & 8 went to Tamaki college to finish building our rocket and also fly them. Today we finished putting our parachute in and put some glue tack and and engine inside. Today we all had to work hard to finish our rockets. Some of us didn't get to fly our rocket because there wasn't enough rockets. We also had fun launching them in the air and watching them get stuck on the class roofs or crash landing. Thanks to Mrs Dunn and Mrs ferguson for preparing and taking their time to come and make rockets with us.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Tahuna Torea Trip
Yesterday the Middle block and the Senior block went to Tahuna Torea. We went for a visit because it was part of our inquiry and linked to our learning about the bar-tailed Godwit. We also had a challenge to see if we could see some godwits and see where they breed or where they rest. We had some lunch and also had sports and a park to play on. The view was amazing with such beautiful weather.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Rockets Collage
On Friday LS2 went to tech. After tech we stayed there the whole day on we made some straw rockets and we also made some cardboard rockets but unfortanlly we didn't get to fly them but we launched Mr Dunn's Rocket and Mrs Fergersons one too. This collage shows some pictures of us working and of us launching the rockets.
Rockets at Tamaki College
On Friday The Years Seven and Eights went down to Tamaki College for the whole day. We all were excited for the day because we couldn't wait to get our hands on some engines and build some rockets but unfortunately we didn't get to do that on friday because we didn't have enough time. But when we were there we got to build some straw rockets. We learnt all about the forces of the rockets and what we could do to make our rockets better.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Hockey Session
Today the seniors had their last session of hockey for the term. We had a lot of fun and learnt a lot of new skills. thanks to our coach's for comming and teaching us hockey.
Friday, 25 November 2016
PBS Athletics Day
Today Panmure Bridge School had their 2016 Athletics day.We all had fun and enjoyed half of the day. Today was the day where the students of Panmure Bridge School showed some or not all of the school care values. All students had smiles on their face. Thanks to Mr Ogilvie for organizing this special day and a big thanks to some of the students from Tamaki College for helping us out today.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Flight Comparison 2
This term In Miss Kirkpatrick's inquiry group we learnt about different types of aircraft. We learnt what are the difference between them and why they are different to each other. In this DlO the first 10 slides will be about the different types of Aircraft. Then we compared some of the aircrafts to each other.
Flight Comparison: Godwits
This term for inquiry we are learning about flight. For Mrs Anderson's group we were learning about the fascinating Godwit brids. We learnt all about the and how long it takes them to fly from Alaska to New Zealand and From New Zealand to Alaska. This DLO was made by Manu,Zahn and I. It shows how long in km and miles it takes for a bird to fly there and how long for a airplane to get there.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Godwit Facts
Today me and my buddy Manu made a Popplet about the fancinating Godwit. In this popplet DLO it will tell you all the facts and things you will like to known about the Godwit birds. We had to use our smart searching skills to hand to find lots of infomation about it. Hope you like my DLO about the amazing Godwit Bird
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Hyperbole DLO
Today We made a DLO about Hyperbole we learnt that it tells us something but it doesn't actually mean what they said. (For example: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse which means that he is so hungry.)
Monday, 7 November 2016
Paper Planes
Today LS2 had a bit of fun with our paper planes. We each had a turn flying our Planes in groups and then we had to share all our ideas together and come up with the ultimate plane. Once we were done making our ultimate plane we had to find the person who was good at throwing planes in each group. We each had a turn throwing our planes. Congratulations to Thomas for coming first.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Paper Planes
Yesterday afternoon LS2 were put into groups and were to work collaboratively together. But it was also a silent game to help each other build a paper plane. We looked at some listed instructions while some of us looked at YouTube video's. Once we were finished build our paper planes and went outside for some test. After a while we came together and put all our idea's together and built the ultimate plane. We each shared some ideas of what we liked about the other plane and put them all together to build the ultimate paper plane. At the end of the day we worked as a team and worked collaboratively to share our idea's and ended up with a group plane.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Latham's Shake out Video
Congratulations Latham on making it in the top 39 short films movie we all hop that your movie it the best to be in the top ten and make it in.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
The Way To School Equations
LI: Solving Multiplication problems in everyday content.This week for maths our group has been focusing on maths equations. Today we were marking our answers and I got most of them wright. Some of the student found it hard even me. I got a bit of help from my friends.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Smart Searching with Mrs Ogilvie
Today some of the students in LS2 went to the library to have a smart searching session with Mrs Ogilvie. We talk about smart searching skills and different ways to search for things. We had a look at some websites like Kids-info-bits and Britannica. The two websites had information for Primary,Intermediate and Secondary students. Both these websites had images clips and voice recordings. Thanks to Mrs Ogilvie for helping us learn some helpful tips and hope she visits again
Monday, 17 October 2016
Friday, 14 October 2016
Water in school
This term is going healthy by bringing water to school instead of sugary drinks. This DLO is about what is water about and why we should have water in schools. It is important to have water in schools because it keeps us hydrated and focused on what is going on in school and not out of school.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Monday, 10 October 2016
Y8 Dance lessons
Today the Yr 8's had their first dance with Sonja. We learnt the cha cha and the rock and roll dance. We learnt the basic dance skills and will learn more next week. All the Year 8's had fun at their first dance lesson and hope to have a great Graduation.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Writing: Narritives
Today we did narrative writing. We each had a picture and we had to write what is happing in that picture and where is the setting. We had to write a story that had 6 sentences.We were revisiting narrative writing. We worked together to help each other and worked collaboratively. We had fun writing these narratives stories and hopefully it will be useful next term.
Basic facts challenge on Quizizz
Today LS2 did Quizzes.We were practicing working together to solve question and it paid off. Quizzes is a site where you can challenge your class mates at answering maths questions and also there is a leader board that shows how many you got right and how many you got wrong. At the top of the screen it shows that class working collaboratively and working together to answer maths questions. At the bottom of that picture it shows how many questions I got right and how many I got wrong.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Fast facts:Beans
This week my group has been focusing on a fast facts and main ideas of the book beans. First we read our book then we had to completed the tasks that were set for us and post it on our blog. This is my fast facts DLO about the book Beans.
Main Idea: Beans
This week my group has read a book called beans it's about a boys who wakes up early every Saturday and gets ready for his rugby match. He has to ride his bike there which makes him even more tired. He is so happy that he made it on time. While he is playing he falls into the mud and feels so happy because he is playing his favorite sport.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
After school Basketball Tournament
Yesterday The years 5&6 and years 7&8 basketball teams went down to the Tamaki College to compete in the after school basketball tournament. The years 5&6 played against St Patrick's green. They fought hard and at the end of the day they drew 10-10. The years 7&8 played point England black. Before we got onto the court Mr Ogilvie had a talk with us after that talk it seemed like he blessed us. We fought hard and played as a team and came home with a win 14-6. Thanks to Mr O and Miss Anderson and the RSA for taking us down to Tamaki college.
School Cross Country
Yesterday PBS school went across to the Mt Wellington war memorial park and had school cross country. The weather for us was a bit unlucky because it was raining for a bit of the day but we still encouraged the little kids to run. The day was awesome having everyone fight for their life and wanting to come first second or third. At the end of the day everyone had fun and at least tried their best. Thanks to Mr Ogilvie for making this happen and setting out the course
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Reading:Main Idea
This week for learning was reading a book called When I grow up and it is about a boy who gets chased by bullies and while he was getting chased by bullies he thinks about what he want to be. When he climbs the tree he says that when he grows up he wants to be a mountaineer because he is good at climbing. When he gets rescued by fire-fighters he says that he wants to be a fire-fighter.
LI: Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals
Today for maths we did subtraction,decimals and addition. We started off with a warm up game hit the button. Then we completed a list of questions from one to thirty and then once we were finished we could log on to Sum-dog and play some maths games. Today I learnt something new and that is how to work out decimals and subtractions questions easier and faster. I got stuck on some of he questions but at the end I worked it out and go them right.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
This year our class has been using a site called Read-Theory and we read for 20 minutes. It helps us understand the story that we are reading. It helps us understand the text it helps us think about what the question is asking us to do it also helps us practice looking back at a text to find information. Read-Theory helps us find key information about the story and go back and answer the question. It has different levels all kinds of people and if you get the questions all right you get points and you move to different levels.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Sketch note DLO
These picture show what our class has been doing for the past week we have learnt a new skill called sketch note. It doesn't have to make sense for other people it just has to make sense for you. Helps you tell a learning story in your own laps. Helps you listen and stay focus. helps you make connections. Instead of writing big long sentences we can draw picture to make it easier for us.
After School Basketball Tournament
Yesterday Afternoon the years 5,6,7 and 8 basketball teams went down to the Tamaki recreational Centre to play basketball.The years 5 and 6 played st Patrick's and they loss.The years 7 and 8 played Bailey Road school and we loss 22-0. Both teams had a lot of fun even though it was our first game. Thank you to Miss Anderson and Mrs Ogilvie for making this happen.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Magic Box Poem
I will put into the box …
The sound of the pacific island drums banging in my ear
From the time of the sunset shining in my eyes
A whisper from the trees in my ear
I will put into the box …
The freezing hand of a bloody crown
A loud war scream from sacred tapa
For all the memories of my first steps
I will put into the box
All of my dreams that I have kept and all the nightmares that made me wept
For all the time that I am down
and a rugby trophy that I shall hold
For the time when I grow old
My box is fashioned from tapa cloth and adidas clothing with Pakuranga jaguars logo on the lid and rugby ball in the corners.
Its hinges are destroyed like the many souls that were lost in the great war
I shall share my box for centuries and treasure it.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Ancient and Modern Olympic DLO
Today for Inquiry We had to complete our DLO on Ancient and Modern Olympic. We had to find out information about Modern and Ancient. Once we were finished we had to make a Venn diagram and compare the two things and see what the difference and see what they had in common.
Ancient and Modern Olympics Venn Diagram
This is my DLO about Ancient and Modern Olympics Venn diagram it shows the difference between ancient and modern times and in the middle it shows the same things that they have in common. We had to find information about both Ancient and Modern Olympics and compare them to each other on a Venn diagram and see what they have in common.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Running Skills
Today we created a DLO about our Run,Jump and throw. We had to compare ourselves with a real athletes and compare what is different between us and the athletes. I compared myself to the Amazing runner Usain Bolt. Our legs are both bent and are arms we both are running on our balls of our feet. His arms are more bent then mine and his legs arm more bent then mine too.
My Platformer Game
Today for tech Some of the year Eight's were creating a Basic Platformer game. You can also play my game. We had took copy from what the teacher showed us and follow every insructions so that we could create our very own Basic Platformer game.
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Warriors Visit
Today Panmure Bridge bridge school was visited by Two very famous New Zealand sportsmen,Ryan Hoffman,John Palavi, Allas from DTR and Georgia. They came to talk to us about our health and well-Being. it was very exciting to meet famous players and get to spend and hour with them. We talked about belonging and our health. We talked about what time we should go to sleep and how many hours we should get of sleep. After that we had some quizzes and won some spot prizes. Today the talked to us about our health and how many water we should drink and when is the right time to drink water.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Friday, 19 August 2016
This terms kiwi sport was Run,Jump and throw this is a picture of me when we are trying to learn how to do long jump.We learnt how to land and how to take off. Thanks to Andi for teaching us those skills and how to be long jump experts. At the end of the lesson we had a jump off where the farest jumpers had to compete against each other.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Inquiry: Olympics
This is my groups DLO about an athletes diet and this DLO shows you what they eat to keep healthy. It also shows what different athletes need in their body and what sort of protein for them. It also shows you what Protein,Carbohydrate,Vitamins and minerals and fat mean it also shows you what type of food they are.
Olympic: Current Events
This is my DLO on Olympic News. Today's news was about The New Zealand Olympic runner Nikki Hamblin and the American Olympic runner.They both tripped up and each other and the american runner tried to get up and run but she was injured. So they finished the race together. They both showed great sportsmanship and team spirit. They are also good role models for younger kids.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Olympic Comparison
We have been learning to consider both sides of a provocation so that we can make an informed opinion.Mrs Anderson asked us to think about Should host countries spend to much money on Olympic venues.To make our informed opinion we had to think about both sides of the story and see which one was more stronger and then we had to come up with our own opinion. My DLO shows what the Olympic venues look like then and now. It show both sides of the argument. I think that they shouldn't spent to much money on Olympic venues because what are they going to do once the athletes have gone and what are they going to do with it once they Olympics are done.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Run Jump Throw
Today we had fun at Run, Jump and Throw. This is my collage that I created about Run Jump and Throw. We had to use techniques that we learnt last week and we had to use it for running like athletes. We had to run in a straight line, stand tall, eyes focused on the front, light feet and check to check.When you run you need to use high knees and you have to stay focus and look in front of you and do not look at the other runners beside you. There is a difference between Long distance and short distance starts. Long distance starts say on your marks and Gun sound!!. Short distance runner starts say on your marks set and CLAP!!. They don't say on you marks set go for long distance runner because they just line up and then they are already ready. Short distance runner stand 1 meter behind the block. Then they walk to their blocks and then Andy says on your marks set and the gun fire sounds and that is the difference between long distance runner and short distance runners.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Current Events
This is my DLO on Poi E. This is a Maori pop song and it was made in 1984 and was the number one hit for 4 weeks. This song was about his journey from Sydney to Taranaki and him nursing his mother
Language Features
This is my DLO on Language Features. We learnt about what Verbs, Adverbs, Metaphors and Adjectives are. A verb is a doing word. Adverb Discribes the verbs. Metaphor is the same word but different meaning. Adjectives is Discribing nouns.
Monday, 8 August 2016
Violet Walrond
This DLO shows and explains why Violet Walrond is famous and how she became famous. She is the first women athlete ever to compete in the Olympic games and she was the youngest ever athlete to compete. Violet Walrond came From Wellington New Zealand and she competed in many swimming competitions.
Friday, 5 August 2016
This is my DLO from Inquiry about Hauora. In my DLO it shows what Hauora is and what does it do to effect our life. This Hauora is based on the Olympic games and on the athletes.
Warriors Game
On Saturday a group of students went to the warriors game. Thanks to DTR for giving us some free tickets we wouldn't be as lucky to go and watch the warriors game. Thanks to Mrs Nicker and Miss Kirkpatrick from taking their time to come and take us to see the warriors game. A also big thanks to DTR for giving us some free tickets and giving us free food and some goody bags.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Hover bike Poster
This is my hover bike poster. This DLO is based on advertising and selling products. Me and Sylis worked together to complete this DLO. This DLO represents what we have learnt and brought all the information we know and make a poster about selling a Hover bike.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Fantastic Facts Challenge
Today for reading I completed a DLO on Fantastic facts challenge and my topic was on lions.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Buddy Reading
Today we had to buddy up with a room three students and the rest had to buddy up with room four students. We each had a buddy to read to. After we read the book to them we had to ask them some questions like who is your favorite superhero and which one would you be. We also had to listen to them read to us. It was got to spend time with the juniors and read with them.
Monday, 25 July 2016
Attributing images
This is my DLO that I have published on my blog about attributing images. The images are based about the Olympics.
Monday, 11 July 2016
Winter Learning Journey
Made up sports
Blind soccer
Players are blind folded and there are 2 teams and use their heads to score a goal.It is like soccer but you have to use your head to move the ball and score a goal.
Three Rules:
- If you use your hands you are sent of for 5 minutes
- If you bump someones heads on purpose they get 5 points extra
- there are only allowed 7 players on the court and three subs
Winter Learning Journey
How to raise money for NZ Paralympics Teams
You could sell some stuff like lemonade or have a garage sale. If you have any thing in your back yard that could be useful you could sell it.
You could ask you neighbors if you could do some work for them. Or you could ask your local dairy if they would like help.
Winter Learning Journey
If I had to choose a buddy to cycle with in the Paralympics it would be my Grandfather because he is very strong and very encouraging and very funny plus I would like to make a good memory of me and him before he Dies.
For this activity I had to choose someone I would like to do the Tandem cycling with and I choose my Grandfather.

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