
Friday, 26 August 2016

Running Skills

Today we created a DLO about our Run,Jump and throw. We had to compare ourselves with a real athletes and compare what is different between us and the athletes. I compared myself to the Amazing runner Usain Bolt. Our legs are both bent and are arms we both are running on our balls of our feet. His arms are more bent then mine and his legs arm more bent then mine too.


Robyn Anderson said...

Super work Gozan! This is a really visual way of looking at what we do when we put our learning into practise. I can see that you think you need to focus on bending you elbows more. Can you remember why you need to do this?

Gozan said...

I think that I need to bend my elbows more and lift them up higher.I need to use light feet and I need to stand up tall.

From Gozan

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